Tender Detail

Buyer/Seller : Can be viewed by Subscribers
DID : 74404428
Requirement : Supply and Installation of Generators
Tender description : Tenders are invited for Supply and Installation of Generators on Monthly Rental Basis at Woqod Retail Fuel Stations and Woqod Facilities for a Period of Five (5) Years on Call-off Basis. TENDER FEE QAR 1000 Non-refundable Tender Fee: Interested Parties shall first deposit the appropriate Tender Fee as mentioned above (non-refundable) into Account Name - Qatar Fuel (WOQOD), Account Number 4010-356788-201 with Commercial Bank and IBAN: QA22 CBQA 0000 0000 4010 356788 201. Tenderer must mention their Company's full name and specific Tender Number on the bank deposit slip. TENDER Guarantee QAR 50,000 TENDER CLOSING DATE 18-Aug-2024 Document Issue Date: From 28-July-2024 until Bid Closing Date.
Company Industry: Petroleum Products

Key values

Closing date : 18/08/2024
Location : Qatar - Not Classified

Tender Documents
