Tender description :
Tenders are invited for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Interfacing of Central Alarm Monitoring System (Cams) at Various Woqod Petrol Stations (21 No's) & Warehouse.
TENDER FEE QAR 750 Non-refundable
Tender Fee: Interested Parties shall first deposit the appropriate Tender Fee as mentioned above (non-refundable) into Account Name - Qatar Fuel (WOQOD), Account Number 4010-356788-201 with Commercial Bank and IBAN: QA22 CBQA 0000 0000 4010 356788 201. Tenderer must mention their Company's full name and specific Tender Number on the bank deposit slip.
TENDER Guarantee QAR 20,000
Document Issue Date: From 28-July-2024 until Bid Closing Date.